Cookie Policy SmartQA

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer ‘s hard drive when you visit a website . These cookies optimize your website visit by, for example , remembering your preferences and only showing relevant information . Another advantage is that you do not have to log in or enter the same information every time you visit a particular website .​​​   

Why do we inform you about the use of cookies?

Since the amendment of the Telecommunications Act in the Netherlands on June 5 , 2012, the placing of certain cookies is only permitted with the user ‘s explicit consent . Therefore, we would like to inform you that our website uses cookies and what their purpose is.   

Google Analytics

We can also keep track of visitor statistics using cookies . We use Google Analytics to gain insight into the behavior of visitors to our website . Based on this data , we gain insight into the surfing and visiting behavior of our users and , where possible , we can optimize our website . The information that Google collects is anonymized as much as possible . Your IP address is not passed on .   

Accept or refuse cookies

You can decide for yourself whether you accept or refuse cookies . Most browsers are set to accept cookies by default , but you can usually adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies . Please note that you must adjust these settings separately for each browser and each computer . You can find the instructions in the “help” section of your browser:  

  • Google Chrome  
  • Internet Explorer  
  • Mozilla Firefox  
  • AppleSafari  

Please note: Disabling cookies in your browser may affect the functionality of certain features and services, both on our website and on other websites.  

More information about cookies? You can find more information about cookies on the following websites:  

  • Cookiecare: Informative website about the cookie law  
  • Consumers’ Association: What are cookies?, What are cookies for?, Delete cookies, Disable cookies  
  • Wikipedia: (internet)  

Using this site never creates or establishes a contractual relationship with SmartQA for the purpose of requesting information, advice or services of this nature. SmartQA disclaims all legal liability arising from the use of the content and makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the information or the continued accessibility of the website.  

SmartQA is not responsible for any special, incidental or consequential damages, including loss of accessibility, loss of data and loss of revenue, resulting from the use of the information available on this website.  

You can hire our highly educated, Dutch-speaking developer(s) directly. Each project requires a unique approach in terms of knowledge, expertise and specializations. Together with you we will look for a solution that meets your wishes. Our dedicated teams can be deployed for short and long term projects.  

Let’s talk

Do you have a question, idea or comment? Feel free to contact us!