WebDriverIO training

WebDriverIO training

Immerse yourself in front-end automation with our two-day WebDriverIO training course.


WebDriverIO, the tool that takes your front-end automation to the next level. One of the most used and popular test automation tools and still growing in popularity every day. Upon completion of this training, you will have a solid code base and understanding how to work with WebDriverIO. 

For who is this WebDriverIO training?

This hands-on course is ideal for developers with basic programming knowledge who want to expand their skills in front-end automation.

Why this workshop is indispensable

  • After completion you will have a rich code base that serves as valuable reference material for future projects;
  • Expert instruction by industry leading professionals;
  • Up-to-date with exercises with latest the WebDriverIO version.

What can you expect?

  • Writing front-end tests in TypeScript with WebDriverIO;
  • Mastering best practices for automation;
  • Running tests efficiently with the WDIO runner;
  • Setting up a robust WebDriverIO framework;
  • Understand and apply advanced topics and assertions.

Course overview

  • An introduction to WebDriverIO and TypeScript;
  • Project setup and fundamental concepts of TypeScript;
  • Running tests with WDIO’s own test runner and Mocha;
  • Fundamentals of locators and selectors for effective front-end testing;
  • Practical assignments to apply and solidify your knowledge;
  • Best practices in object-oriented programming with WebDriverIO.

Are you ready to take your front-end testing skills to a professional level? Sign up for our training and take the leap forward in your career.


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